Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wardrobe Redo #2

This is similar to the first redo I did....

This time I used a t-shirt.

I removed the top of the dress.

I serged the bottom of the shirt and the top of the dress.

Instead of sewing the 2 end together I sewed the dress on top of the shirt.

Here is the finished product.

Wardrobe Redo #1

I looked in my closet and pulled out all of the clothes that I don't wear anymore. I decide to see if I could remake them into something a I would wear. I found a dress and a tank top that happened to be the same color though they were bought years apart and at different stores. Here is what I came up with...

I removed the top of the dress with my seam ripper.

I adjusted the straps of the tank top to fit me better.

I measured then cut wear i wanted to attach the dress.

I sewed the bottom of the dress to the top of the tank top.

You could leave it like this and be finished but I wanted to add sleeves.

I removed the front of the dress.

I made the 2 front pieces into sleeves by sewing the ends together.

Then I  worked the sleeve into the arm hole.

I made 2 bands for the sleeves from the bottom of the tank top.

Here was the end product....but I wasn't done yet.

I cut strips of the left over tank top and gathered them to make some embellishments.

Here were 2 of the options I liked.

On the shoulders.

Around the neck.

I decided I liked the around the neck look best.

Pattern Preview 5

The inspiration

The dresses
I shortened the sleeves of this pattern.

I loved this pattern. I did lengthen it a few inches.

Pattern Preview 3 & 4


First attempt at a narrow rolled hem on my serger.

First attempt at a blind hem on my serger.

The side view

The Front View


Things I like:
I added pockets
I like the belt I made for it
It will make a great maternity muumuu
I like the pattern on the fabric

Things I don't like:
The type of fabric (too clingy, doesn't lay well)
Too big
Without the belt it would be a tent
The pockets make my hips ginormous 
The shape of the neck line reminds me of a hospital gown

The pattern

The dress

Pattern Preview 2

So I have had a few people ask if I have sewn anything new lately. I had made this dress a month or so ago but it turned out awful! So I unpicked it and then lost my will to sew for awhile. Today I decided I would try again. I am not in love with it but it is certainly an improvement I think..... So here you go.

The Pattern

I was trying to do the yellow dress on the top left. But my flounce ended up being a flop.

The pictures just don't do justice to how awful it looked. Even Ben admitted it didn't look very good.

So on to round 2. I raised the waist, took off the flounce and took in a few seams and there you go.

Sorry about the pasty legs and the goofy pics :)

Pattern Preview 1

Dress for Abby #1

Abby has been begging me to sew something for her. I try to wait until patterns are on sale. Preferably when they go on sale for $0.99! 

Here is the pattern inspiration. On a random note, the store I was at had the exact fabric that the little girl is wearing in the picture :)

Best of all, NO buttons or zippers! The neck is elastic so it just pulls over. So for you first time sewers this is a simple one to start with.

I had about a 1/2 a yard left over so I decided to be brave and make a little skirt WITHOUT a pattern. I think it turned out pretty good and only took about 30 min to do.